Overwatch 2: how to get skins

There are tons of awesome cosmetics available in Overwatch 2, but none of them are as special and exciting as skins. These items allow you to completely change the look and style of each hero, and many of them feature bright colors, intricately detailed patterns, and unique effects. For example, D.Va’s new EDM skin plays music whenever she flies with her Boosters.

There are several ways to get skins in Overwatch 2, so in this guide we will go over each of the available methods. By taking advantage of these reward opportunities, you will be able to start collecting skins quite quickly.

Earn Overwatch 2 skins with the Battle Pass

(Image credit: Windows Central/Brendan Lowry)

The first way to get skins is to earn them with Overwatch 2 Battle Pass. Both the free and premium Battle Pass reward tracks offer unlockable skins for players, though purchasing the Premium Battle Pass grants you access to several more than you otherwise would. The bounty costs 1,000 Overwatch Coins, or $10.

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