There are tons of awesome cosmetics available in Overwatch 2, but none of them are as special and exciting as skins. These items allow you to completely change the look and style of each hero, and many of them feature bright colors, intricately detailed patterns, and unique effects. For example, D.Va’s new EDM skin plays music whenever she flies with her Boosters.
There are several ways to get skins in Overwatch 2, so in this guide we will go over each of the available methods. By taking advantage of these reward opportunities, you will be able to start collecting skins quite quickly.
Earn Overwatch 2 skins with the Battle Pass
The first way to get skins is to earn them with Overwatch 2 Battle Pass. Both the free and premium Battle Pass reward tracks offer unlockable skins for players, though purchasing the Premium Battle Pass grants you access to several more than you otherwise would. The bounty costs 1,000 Overwatch Coins, or $10.
To progress through the Battle Pass, you’ll need to earn XP by completing matches and completing in-game challenges. Daily and weekly challenges earn you the most XP and are also usually very easy to complete (think “Heal 65,000 damage” or “Win 10 games in queue as all roles”), so you should focus on those in order to get big chunks of XP. Note that completing weekly challenges also gives you a small number of Overwatch Coins, which you can use directly for future Premium Battle Passes or skin purchases (more on that below).
Buy Overwatch 2 Skins
You can also purchase Overwatch 2 skins using Overwatch Coins, either directly from the in-game microtransaction store or from the skin section of the Hero Gallery. In the store, most legendary skins come with a variety of additional cosmetics like emotes and sprays and cost 2,000 Overwatch Coins ($20). If you want to purchase these skins without getting the rest of the items from these bundles, you’ll need to purchase it for 1,900 Overwatch Coins ($19) from the Hero Gallery.
Note that Epic and lower rarity skins will have lower prices than Legendaries, both in the Store and in the Hero Gallery. For example, Doomfist’s Kiniun Epic skin is included in the Overwatch 2 Season One starter pack in the store which costs $5, and old Epic skins from the first Overwatch can cost anywhere from 250 to 1,000 Overwatch Coins in the Hero Gallery. . Rare skins for new Overwatch 2 heroes, such as Junker Queen and Kiriko, cost 300 Overwatch Coins, while older rare skins cost 75.
Note that some Epic Skins and all Rare Skins for Old and New Heroes can be purchased with Legacy Credits instead. This currency represents the Overwatch Credits players could acquire in the original Overwatch, which carried over to Overwatch 2 when it launched.
Get Overwatch 2 Skins with Twitch Drops
It’s also possible to occasionally get new skins with Twitch Drops, a system that lets you earn cosmetics for Overwatch 2 by watching streamers play the game on a certain date and time. For instance, players can currently earn the Kiriko Sukajan Legendary skin by watching Overwatch 2 streams for six hours before October 16 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Keep an eye on Overwatch’s official social media pages on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for information on future Twitch Drops events like this.
It’s important to note that in general, you don’t have to watch the same streamer while earning your Twitch Drops. You can bounce between different Overwatch 2 streams as often as you want while increasing your watch time, which is good news for people who don’t like staying in a stream for too long.
For Twitch Drops to work properly, you’ll need to connect your Twitch account to the account you use to play Overwatch 2. Follow the steps below to accomplish this:
- Navigate to the Account Management Page while logged into your account.
- Select the Connections tab on the left side.
- Select the + Connect button next to Twitch.
- To connect to your Twitch account.
- Select To allow.
- Select Continue.
Other Overwatch 2 Skin Sources
If Overwatch 2 is like the first game when it comes to limited-time events, chances are players can earn skins by playing or winning a set number of games within a certain amount of time. We ultimately won’t know if these skin rewards will be available during Overwatch 2’s limited-time events until Blizzard shares more information, but it’s something to keep in mind regardless.
Blizzard may also reveal additional ways for players to acquire skins in Overwatch 2 in the future. If the developer does, we’ll make sure to document it immediately in this article.
Overwatch 2 is available now on Xbox Series X|S, PS5, PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch. It is undoubtedly one of best xbox shooters available, and since it’s free, it doesn’t cost anything to check it out. Alternatively, players can purchase the Overwatch 2: Watchpoint Bundle which grants access to the Season 1 Battle Pass Premium, 2,000 Overwatch Coins, and a set of unique Legendary Skins.
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